It's New Year's Eve.
I am so proud that I finished this project. By my calculations I did miss a few days - about 4 or 5 total, but with a move, vacations, and a toddler, I'd call that a success.
There were definitely days that it felt like a chore to snap a not-so-great photo of something (and you can tell which those were!), but overall, I have grown a lot in my photography over the year.
I got a wonderful new camera this fall, flash, two new lenses, am and still learning to use them all together.
It's been a great year with big changes. William went from a toddling little one year old to a running, jumping, chatterbox of a two year old delight. We moved to a new town, Esch started law school, and my business exceeded our goals by quite a bit.
Can't wait to see what the next year brings for our friends and families.
And finally, no drumroll required for this one, just a food shot to round out the year. I tried a VERY yummy black bean and jalapeno hummus today to take to our friends' house for New Year's Eve tonight.
I may be seen later this evening snapping shots of bubbling champagne, or our little guy playing with his friends, but I wanted to be able to make the final post on the actual, final day.
2011, you were a great year.
2012, looking forward to meeting you tonight!

Taken 12/31